For starters, our economy sucks. And not just because of greedy bankers and incompetent politicians, but because nobody involved has the first clue what they are talking about. Not to say I am some kind of expert on the subject, but I've been around the block enough times to know when I'm being mushroomed*. This whole system is waaaaaayy to complicated to explain with a single theory to incorporate Life, the Universe and Everything. But yet those darn
It's so funny to see things like this, where a group of "experts" will take all known data and throw together a hypothesis based on that data. The only problem is that they only have about 10% of the data. What results is akin to several overweight, middle-aged men chasing after a chicken. If you don't know what it looks like for someone to chase a chicken, watch the movie Rocky, and then instead of Sylvester Stallone picture the old guys.
Every time one new facet of the problem gets discovered, there's a flurry of activity to
a.) Incorporate that new aspect into their already loosely formulated idea
b.) Debunk the new fact since it doesn't fit
c.) Be the first to come up with a whole new all-inclusive solution, regardless of how ridiculous.
The economy also sucks because there's so much activity about it and so much discussion that it has become a mandatory course in college. I am now taking said course. There are many reasons this is not fun. One, I am not college-age. I blame the military. But because I am not college-age, the text is not geared toward me, but to the budding, hopeful youths of tomorrow who surround me, idealistically believing that in just a few short years they'll complete their degree and go out and really make a difference.
Since I know better, I feel confident that this (along with 95% of the rest of the courses I have to take) are a waste of my time. I mean, for crying out loud, I'm going for a business degree. How hard is it to run a business? Balance input with output to make a profit. Duuuuuuhhhh. They have all these classes on leadership and other such nonsense. What are they going to tell me that I haven't already experienced by having a job? It's not like there's some super secret managerial technique that they can teach me that will make me the best supervisor in the world.
"All you have to do is play this ultra-high frequency tone three times a day and your employees will increase their efficiency 20%." Every business is different, every job is different, and nothing I learn in those classes will help me be a better leader. Either I'm a good boss and listen to my employees (when possible) or I'm a jerk and do whatever I can to get ahead.
But I digress. The economy class is the epitome of such stupidity. "If you want to sell something, first you have to make it. If you want to make something, first you have to figure out how." Holy Hannah! Are there people in our higher educational systems today that sit in these classes and say, "Huh, so you can't lay everyone off and still make money? Who knew?" It's so painful, and it's only made worse by the self-righteous instructor who just knows that what he's teaching could one day save your life.
And it all boils down to economy sucks because I don't have any money. Stupid $140.00 books. What a load of bull.
*Mushroomed-to be kept in the dark and shoveled a bunch of horse manure.
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