Monday, March 23, 2009

What a Great Idea! #4

While I haven't stated this before, I feel it necessary to say that if any of these posts have already been thought of, feel free to mock and deride me to your heart's content.

This week's idea is motivated by by hatred of all things cat. Namely, their litter boxes. I'm sorry, but what possible reason could I have to debase myself enough to clean up the defecation and urination of a fellow human, let alone a lower life form?

Now before the hate mail starts coming, I know there are plenty of people who make their living doing just that. My point is that my pride, coupled with my disgust of all forms of excrement (mixed with a little germaphobia), makes it impossible for me to ever do such a job.

My invention is a simple one. All it takes is a valve to divert water from the toilet, and a hose that drapes over the bowl of a toilet. You partially fill a completely enclosed dome with washable pellets, and allow the cat to "have at it". Once the aforementioned feline exits the contraption, the entrance closes, and something akin to a wash cycle takes place, in which any matter left by the cat is liquefied and exits with the water, and the pellets stay in place.

Of course it's an imperfect system, since there would have to be a filter of some kind on the exit tubing to keep the pellets in, and that filter would no doubt have to be changed or at least cleaned periodically, but it would significantly reduce the interaction between you and cat poop. Which is my ultimate goal in life.

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