Monday, March 2, 2009

What a Great Idea!

So I've read a bunch of weekly blog post themes, and I thought I'd give that a try as well. My idea for a weekly blog post is a weekly idea blog post. I have some ideas (some good, some not) on ways I could potentially improve certain deficiencies I see in the world around me. The only problem is that I am too lazy to make any effort toward implementing these changes. So I have decided to present them to the world to see if anyone else would be interested in implementing them.

My first post in this vein will be toward the TV advertising agencies of America. There is a big problem with people fast forwarding through your commercials, thanks to the invention of the DVR. Now I will admit to being a culprit of this particular crime myself, back when I had such technology available to me. But it is so easy to skip over the commercials now, that they have been rendered next to useless.

I suggest we harken back to a method of "commercial"ism that was used in days gone by. My idea is to use the actors for a particular show in the commercials aired during that show. Better still, to use the same sets as well. That way, when someone is fast forwarding, waiting to see their favorite program pop back on, they will be forced to pause more often and increase the amount of time they spend watching your commercials.

This would also help with the people who are as technologically defunct as I am, who simply leave the room when the commercials come on. They would also have no choice but to sit and watch since they wouldn't know, for a few seconds at least, if it was just a commercial or if the show had returned.

Of course there are numerous budgetary concerns for such an idea, what with the actors no doubt expecting more money than your average commercial actor would want, but these things could be included in their contract with the main show.

This isn't the most thrilling idea I've come up with, but it is one of the more fleshed out, thus bringing it to the top of the list. If you have any interesting ideas, or any suggestions about mine, feel free to let me know.

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