My wife is afraid of electricity. There was apparently an incident involving a nightlight during her formative years. And another incident with a light bulb. And maybe another incident on top of that. I'm not really sure. Suffice to say she isn't a fan, and for that reason my daughter has yet to get a nightlight in her room.
In an effort to assuage her fears, I introduce the Safety Light (patent pending). The Safety Light is a night light that protects the user from possible electrocution/death by covering the prongs with a safety shield whenever the light is not fully inserted into the wall. In essence there is a spring-loaded plastic wall that sticks out from the light that is as long as the prongs and surrounds them.

This is useful because the risk of shock exists when the device is partially removed from the wall, exposing metal without being completely unplugged. With this invention, no matter how far out the night light is pulled there is no way to get access to the prongs, because the spring loaded shield will maintain contact with the socket until the light is fully removed.
Now you may be asking "But if it fully blocks access to the prongs, how am I going to be able to see to line it up when I want to plug it in?" Simple, you addle-pated twit, because the plastic shield is in the shape of the outlet. So all you have to do is line up the edges of the shield with the edges of the outlet and push it in. Or I guess you could make the shield clear, but that seems like more work. I'm thinking just a plain white piece of plastic.
This feels like one of those "duh" ideas, so if it's already being implemented somewhere could you send me a link? I need one for my house. If nobody's thought of it before, let's get crackin' people! Heck, there's no reason something like this couldn't be made to fit over every plug in your house and open up a whole new "baby safe" market!
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